Thursday, August 18, 2011


My name is Dillon and I run a small painting service out of Vancouver, Canada. We do commissions for almost any range you can think of. Most popular is gamesworkshop but we are adapted to painting anything including privateer press and infinity and much much more. You want a single figure or entire army no problem, we will do the job. Whether its a quick table top army or competition standard peace give us an email. I am going to get a video of our levels up soon so you can refer to the quality of which you will be receiving.

General Pricing:

To get a more accurate quote you can email me and we can talk it over. Note that all prices are negotiable and if your a couple bucks short no problem. Generally models range from $5 to $30 plus depending on the quality of the paint job. A normal space marine painted to tabletop quality is $5 for painting and $0.75 for assembly while the paint job for the same marine to a competition standard can go to as much as $100 or more. Thank you for your time Dillon,

Want a quote or commission? Send us an email at and we will be more than happy to help.